Xavier The Author Fever Bookworm
Burning up your bookshelves with the next big thing.
What is the Author Interview process?
Email us at authorfever123@gmail.com with your request. Please include name, genre, and specific dates requested (if any).
We will forward you a copy of our interview questions.
Please fill out the interview questionnaire as fully as possible. One or two word answers are less likely to captivate the audience.
Things to include with your interview
-Author Photo
-Book Cover Photo
-Links to you
-Links to purchase your work
-Short bio
What is the Author Spotlight process?
Email us at authorfever123@gmail.com with your request. Please include name, genre, and specific dates requested (if any).
We will reply back to your request and confirm openings.
Things to include in your response for your spotlight
-One Author Photo
-One Book Cover Photo
-Short Bio
-A list of your titles and preferred links to purchase (publisher, amazon, ect)
-As many ways to stalk you as you would like to add (Facebook, Website, Twitter, etc.)
-A 300 ~ 500 word review or excerpt of one of your works
What is the Guest Blog Process?
Email us at authorfever123@gmail.com with your request. Please include name, topic of post, and specific dates requested (if any).
We will reply back to your request and confirm openings.
Things to include in your response for your guest blog
-Author Photo
-Short bio
-As many ways to stalk you as you would like to add (Facebook, Website, Twitter, etc.
What is the Review Process?
We are very limited on the reviews that we are currently accepting. However, we are in the process of joining up with a team of excellent reviewers that hold confidentiality at the highest level. We currently only accept ARC and Published works. Unfinished books will not be reviewed.
Email us at authorfever123@gmail.com with your request. If you would like to couple your review with our other services please indicate what you are interested and include the requested info. Please include name, genre, and specific dates requested (if any).
We will reply back to your request and confirm openings.
Things to include in your response for your review
-A copy of your book or a link to a free download. (Though we would love to purchase everyone’s work it is not feasible, as we do not charge for our services)
-An author photo
-Book Cover Photo
-Links to you
-Links to purchase your work
-Short bio
-A 300 ~ 500 word excerpt of the book to be reviewed (This will be displayed on the blog)
The email was initially posted wrong. AuthorFever123@gmail.com